
此乃重要條款及條件,請小心閱讀,因其處理就MOOV (「服務」)有關您與我們互相向對方所作出的承諾的問題。「服務網站」乃指服務的每個及全部網站。「內容」乃指在服務內及/或服務網站內提供或展示之任何內容,包括但不限於可透過或於服務接觸的任何靜止圖像、聲音、連串以動畫或其他方式製作的動態影像、音樂錄像、音樂、歌詞、歌曲片段、錄音及錄影、文字、文章、評論、數據、資料及/或其他材料或物品。「我們」乃指MOOV (HONG KONG) LIMITED


A.           付款服務的條款及條件



1.            年鹷與申請

1.1          您必須年滿18歲;

1.2          如您不是以紙張形式遞交申請,您同意在我們的要求下簽署此付款服務的條款及條件的列印本。


2.            承諾計劃

2.1          訂購任何服務承諾計劃期間的是指您在申請中指定的期間(「初始期」)。如您在初始期屆滿前終止您的訂購,您須向我們或獲授權的第三方支付所有累積費用及提前終止費,該提前終止費應相等於您於終止日至初始期屆滿前應支付費用的總額。

2.2          除非您透過服務網站的網上管理或服務熱線1833866/1000或透過獲授權的第三方(如適用)終止服務,在初始期屆滿後,您的訂購將以每月形式自動續期,並按當時的價格收費。


3.            月費計劃

3.1          除非您在每月週期最後一天前最少一天透過服務網站的網上賬戶管理或服務熱線1000/ 1833866或在指定時間前透過獲授權的第三方(如適用)終止服務,任何訂購月費計劃將會以每月形式自動續期。

3.2          任何在服務終止前的預繳服務費將不會獲得退款。


4.            現收現付形式

4.1          對於服務是按每宗交易為基礎來支付費用的,我們會以我們認為適當的間距就您使用服務所涉的一切費用發出賬單。費用包括但不限於使用費、手續費以及就您使用服務不時所涉的任何其他相關費用和收費。


5.            費用

5.1          費用將會依照我們或我們的聯營公司所記錄或記存的數據計算,而非參照您記錄或記存的任何資料。我們所持的紀錄及所採用的記存程序將為您使用服務及應付費用(無論是向我們或第三方)的最終憑證。

5.2          除另有註明外,所有訂購月費費用均以預付形式支付而用量費用則以後付形式支付。

5.3          我們會不時就您該支付的訂購費用提供折扣優惠,我們可能會就該等折扣優惠設置條款及條件。倘您於任何時候未能滿足任何此等條款及條件,則折扣將會自動作廢;在此情況下,您於下一結算期應付的費用會自動按當時價格調整。

5.4          除另有註明外,所有貨幣均以港元為單位。


6.            付款方法

6.1          您可透過我們(或獲授權的第三方)不時提供的付款方法繳交您應支付的費用。任何經常性費用(即訂購費)將透過您所選擇的付款方法自動收取。

6.2          我們可於任何時候全權酌情決定接納或拒絕您所選擇的付款方法。倘並無設置任何有效的付款方法,則您可能會被暫停進入服務;我們僅於您繳清所有應付收費並且設置一種我們(或獲授權的第三方)接納的付款方法後,方會恢復有關進入。

6.3          倘您指定透過我們的聯營公司或代理支付任何部分或全部費用,則我們的聯營公司或代理會於所提供服務的同一賬單(統稱「聯營公司賬單」)內向您收取有關費用。您同意於聯營公司賬單指定的付款限期前繳付聯營公司賬單的全數金額。

6.4          倘若您指定透過信用卡繳付任何部分或全部費用(「信用卡賬戶」),您謹此授權我們隨時或按我們認為適當的間距從您的信用卡賬戶全數收取有關費用。為免生疑,就任何經常性費用(即訂購費)的有關授權於有關信用卡到期日後繼續有效。倘您並非持卡人,則您須保證已獲持卡人授權。我們會先於您的信用額內扣取HK$1作核實之用,此HK$1不會成為您的信用帳項。 信用卡賬戶資料的核實及驗證乃交由發卡銀行處理, 我們不會就有關過程負責。

6.5          信用卡乃指VISA或萬事卡。

6.6          對於信用卡賬戶賬單所示費用的任何爭議須於賬單日期起計30日內提出,而不論這是否抵觸持卡人與銀行之間任何協議的條款(如相關)。

6.7          對於聯營公司賬單所示費用的任何爭議須於聯營公司賬單日期起計30日內提出,而不論這是否抵觸與聯營公司之間任何協議的條款(如相關)。

6.8          倘您於到期日仍未繳付聯營公司賬單,則我們或我們的聯營公司或代理保留權利就任何未繳金額按您指定付款方式適用的利率收取利息,直至悉數繳清賬單為止;以及收取手續費、債務追討服務公司費用、重新接駁費及/或要求繳付保證金。於全數繳清及支付全部聯營公司賬單前,服務及我們的聯營公司或代理所提供的任何服務可被暫停或終止。

6.9          您同意,倘您於我們有多於一個賬戶,我們可從您任何賬戶轉移欠您的或您欠的任何金額,以結算您在任何賬戶所欠我們的任何未繳金額,而不論有關賬戶是否已被終止或暫停。

6.10        謹請注意,於任何時候,因(i)維修或(ii)技術問題或(iii)超出我們能合理控制的情況而導致服務或其任何部分中斷或暫停,或因任何原因您無法進入或串流內容,我們均不會作任何記存或退款。


7.            服務賬戶

7.1          您可使用一個我們能接受的登入身份(「服務賬戶」)及相關密碼進入香港的服務,您:

7.1.1       須保護您的服務賬戶及相關密碼,並確保並無向任何其他人士披露或提供;

7.1.2       不會披露您的服務賬戶及相關密碼或容許其他人士使用您的服務賬戶及相關密碼進入服務;及

7.1.3       服務可能包含一些不適合未成年人士觀看的有關內容。對於希望或有意與您觀看任何有關內容的人士,您須負責於允許其觀看有關內容前檢查其身份及/或年齡,並確保未成年人士一概不會使用您的服務賬戶及相關密碼進入該內容;

7.1.4       同意我們將所有透過服務賬戶進入服務視為您的進入及使用;及

7.1.5       在不影響第7.14條下,任何未經授權使用的服務賬戶須立即向我們舉報。


8.            私隱

8.1                      本公司按照載於http://www.pccw.com/legal/privacy_c.html 的私隱政策聲明收集、處理、披露、保留或使用您的個人資料。若本公司要求您提供個人資料,您可以拒絕提供,但本公司亦可拒絕為您提供服務。

8.2                      當我們要求您提供關於您的資料來處理您的申請或進入服務(「用戶資料」),您同意:

8.2.1                提供真實、準確、現行及完整的用戶資料;

8.2.2                保持及迅速更新您提交予我們的用戶資料,並確保資料真實、準確、現行及完整;及

8.2.3       不會提供任何失實、不準確、過時或不完整的資料,倘我們有合理根據懷疑有關資料為失實、不準確、過時或不完整,我們有權暫停或終止您的服務賬戶並拒絕您現時或日後使用任何服務。

8.3          如您把您的服務賬戶與您的面書賬戶連結,您授權我們收集您面書的核實資料,包括姓氏、名字、電郵地址、性別及您曾讚好的頁面名單。我們收集您的全名,目的是向您提供您所申請或現正使用的服務及任何相關服務。我們收集您的性別及您曾讚好的頁面,目的是提供、作個人化及改進您在我們的服務及產品的經驗。例如我們以您的性別及年齡為參考以提供為您訂製的歌曲選擇予您。

8.4          如您把您的服務賬戶與您的面書賬戶連結,您的預先設定一般是服務賬戶會自動於面書上分享您的活動及與活動有關的故事,包括您聽的音樂。您明白並同意該資料可能會給予您的面書賬戶及可能被刊載在面書裏。


9.            終止您訂購的結果

9.1          在任何情況下,您不得於您終止訂購後享有任何退款、保證金利息或任何預繳月費按比例的退款。

9.2          在終止您的訂購時,所有授予您的特許權、權利及優惠將予以終止。任何您訂購的終止慨不影響雙方任何累算的權利或責任,亦不影響任何此付款服務條款及條件即將或繼續施行的條文,該條文在意是在該終止時或終止後已明示或不言明地產生效用或繼續有效。


10.          終止服務

10.1        我們可在以下情況下終止服務(i)於任何時間給予您最少一個公曆月的通知,或(ii)於我們不再有權提供服務後通知您即時終止服務。如在(ii)的情況下,我們會按比例退還您任何已預繳的服務費用。

10.2        倘您就某一特定服務的進入是連繫著您訂購任何其他電訊盈科的服務,例如網上行寬頻、now寬頻電視、csl、固網服務,當您不再是此等電訊盈科服務的客戶時,則我們有權終止您進入服務。

10.3        在服務終止之日起,所有特許權、權利和優惠即告終止。任何服務的終止慨不影響雙方任何累算的權利或責任,亦不影響任何此付款服務條款及條件即將或繼續施行的條文,該條文已明示或不言明地在意是在該終止時或終止後產生效用或繼續有效。


11.          責任限制

11.1        您同意我們與服務相關的責任無論如何不得超過您於緊接導致索償的任何事件前十二個月內向我們支付的費用總額或港幣1,000元(以較低者為準)。


12.          彌償

12.1        您同意就我們因您違反或不遵守此付款服務條款及條件之任何條款而引致或與以相關的任何訴訟、責任、費用、索償、損失、損害、起訴,及/或開支向我們作出彌償。


13.          一般條款

13.1        我們可隨時委任代理、轉讓或分包任何全部或部分我們在此付款服務條款及條件的權利及/或法律責任予任何人士或實體。未經我們事先書面許可,您不得轉讓、轉移、傳遞或以其他方式處置您根據此付款服務條款及條件的任何權利、責任及/或法律責任。此付款服務條款及條件應以英文本為準,中文本(如有)只作參考用途。若此付款服務條款及條件的任何條款或條件因任何理由變成或宣佈為不合法、無效或不能執行,則有關條款或條件應從此付款服務條款及條件中分割出來,並視之為從此付款服務條款及條件中被刪除。此付款服務條款及條件須受香港法律管轄,雙方謹此同意接受香港法院非專屬的司法管轄。

13.2        據此向我們發出的所有通知及其它通訊均須為書面形式。上述通知及通訊倘於我們正常辦公時間內由專人送達,則於交付後即視為已正式發出;倘於我們正常辦公時間內透過傳真傳送至有關傳真號碼(並確認收訖),則於發送後即視為已正式發出;倘透過郵資已付的掛號信郵寄至我們不時指定的我們註冊辦事處,則於寄發後第三個營業日即視為已正式發出。

13.3        我們據此向您發出的所有通知及其它通訊會以我們認為適當的形式及方式發給您。上述通知及通訊倘透過電子郵件、手機短訊或傳真傳送,則於發送後即視為已正式發出;倘於http://moov.hk或服務網站的客戶服務欄刊載,則於刊載當日即視為已正式發出;倘透過郵遞寄往您最近通知我們的地址,則於寄發後第三個營業日即視為已正式發出。


B.           服務條款及條件



1.            我們的權利及責任

1.1.         服務某些部份可能只能透過(i)您使用一個我們能i接受的登入身份(「服務賬戶」)及相關密碼及/(ii)只限於香港特別行政區(「香港」)方能進入;在此等情況下您可能須對該進入支付費用。任何服務的申請(如需要)須得到我們的接納;

1.2.         我們可:

1.2.1.      隨時暫停服務以便進行系統維修、提升、測試及/或修理,並無須給予通知;

1.2.2.      在我們認為適當的情況下,就您使用服務或違反此服務條款及條件任何條款而限制或暫停您使用服務,並無須給予通知;

1.2.3.      擴充、縮減及/或修改服務的任何部分或任何內容;及

1.2.4.      收取新費用及/或修訂此服務條款及條件,及/或修訂管限您使用服務或內容的任何操作及/或使用守則,有關的修訂細節透過於網址http://moov.hk 公布,並在公布後立即生效。


2.            您的責任

2.1.         您:

2.1.1.      必須年滿18 (為我們就任何優惠/服務計劃特別豁免者除外)

2.1.2.      僅獲授權按此服務條款及條件使用服務及內容,以作您的本人私人及非商業用途使用;

2.1.3.      就您本人使用服務及內容承擔絕對及完全的責任,而任何人士透過您的服務賬戶使用服務將被我們視為您本人使用;

2.1.4.      未經我們事先書面同意,不得自行或容許任何其他人士銷售、轉載、複製、分發、發表、修改、製作以內容為基礎的衍生產物或展示內容,或促使內容以其他方式公開展示;

2.1.5.      須遵守不時修訂的所有相關香港法例及任何操作及/或使用守則;

2.1.6.      須提供您使用服務所需的真實、準確、現行及完整的個人資料(「用戶資料」);

2.1.7.      同意保持及迅速更新您提交予我們的用戶資料,並確保資料真實、準確、現行及完整;

2.1.8.      不會提供任何失實、不準確、過時或不完整的資料,倘我們有合理根據懷疑有關資料為失實、不準確、過時或不完整,我們有權暫停或終止您的賬戶並拒絕您現時或日後使用任何服務;

2.1.9.      須應我們要求簽署此服務條款及條件的列印本;

2.1.10.    須向我們客戶服務小組舉報任何違反此服務條款及條件的行為;

2.1.11.    須保護您的服務賬戶及相關密碼,並確保不會向任何其他人士披露或提供;及

2.1.12.    同一時間僅從一部電腦或流動設備進入服務。

2.2.         您同意不會:

2.2.1.      限制或阻止任何其他人士使用服務,包括但不限於「非法入侵」或破壞服務或服務網站任何部分;

2.2.2.      將服務、服務網站、內容或軟件(定義見第5.1條)用於任何非法用途或此服務條款及條件並無明確授權的任何用途;

2.2.3.      對服務網站,內容或軟件的全部或任何部份進行出讓、轉讓或再授權;

2.2.4.      對服務網站的任何部分、任何軟件、任何含有可下載軟件的內容進行修改、改編、再授權、翻譯、銷售、逆向工程、解編或拆解;

2.2.5.      刪除服務或內容所包含的任何版權、商標或其他所有權告示;

2.2.6.      在未經我們事先書面授權的情況下複製及/或提取服務或內容的任何部分;

2.2.7.      使用任何機械人、蜘蛛程式、網站搜尋/檢索應用程式,或其他手動或自動裝置或程序檢索、編制索引、「挖掘數據」,或以任何方式複製、擾亂或規避服務或內容的導航結構或呈列方式;

2.2.8.      收集服務的用戶資料;

2.2.9.      以任何方式非法入侵、闖入或企圖以任何方式非法入侵或闖入服務、內容及/或我們或任何第三方伺服器的任何數據區;

2.2.10.    未有在此服務條款及條件明確授權下,無論因任何目的進入或使用服務或內容;

2.2.11.    以任何方式或透過任何媒介從服務下載、複製、儲存、擷取、分發、分享或重新定向任何內容;

2.2.12.    披露您的服務賬戶及相關密碼或容許其他人士使用您的服務賬戶及相關密碼進入服務;

2.2.13.    加入含有任何病毒、蠕蟲、計時炸彈、特洛伊木馬或其他有害或具破壞性元件的任何軟件或其他物料;

2.2.14.    偽造標題或以其他方式操控識別碼以掩飾透過服務傳送任何有關內容的來源;及

2.2.15.    干擾或擾亂服務或連接服務的伺服器或網路。



3.            個人資料

3.1          本公司按照載於http://www.pccw.com/legal/privacy_c.html 的私隱政策聲明收集、處理、披露、保留或使用您的個人資料。若本公司要求您提供個人資料,您可以拒絕提供,但本公司亦可拒絕為您提供服務。

3.2          如您把您的服務賬戶與您的面書賬戶連結,您授權我們收集您面書的核實資料,包括姓氏、名字、電郵地址、性別及您曾讚好的頁面名單。我們收集您的全名,目的是向您提供您所申請或現正使用的服務及任何相關服務。我們收集您的性別及您曾讚好的頁面,目的是提供、作個人化及改進您在我們的服務及產品的經驗。例如我們以您的性別及年齡為參考以提供為您訂製的歌曲選擇予您。

3.3          如您把您的服務賬戶與您的面書賬戶連結,您的預先設定一般是服務賬戶會自動於面書上分享您的活動及與活動有關的故事,包括您聽的音樂。您明白並同意該資料可能會給予您的面書賬戶及可能被刊載在面書裏。



4.            確認

4.1.         您確認已明白:

4.1.1.      每次僅可透過服務串流一段影片或聲帶;

4.1.2.      我們不會對服務中嘉賓所撰寫的聲明及文章採取任何編輯管制,亦不會就其是否屬實作出任何保證;

4.1.3.      我們並不保證或擔保任何內容是否準確、完整或有用,亦不對內容負責;

4.1.4.      任何內容僅代表內容作者的立場,與我們或我們任何相關實體的立場無關;

4.1.5.      我們不就服務所載任何內容承擔任何責任;

4.1.6.      您使用服務網站內不同網頁或服務連結至的網站時,或會受附加或不同的條款及條件規管。在此情況下,您使用上述網頁或網站時,此服務條款及條件和該等附加條款及條件將同時適用。如有歧異,概以該等附加條款及條件為準;

4.1.7.      除另有明文規定外,您就服務或內容所作出或與其相關的任何行為概不會致使您獲轉讓任何知識產權,或授特許權利行使任何知識產權;

4.1.8.      服務可能包含一些不適合未成年人士觀看的有關內容。對於希望或有意觀看任何有關內容的人士,您須負責於允許其觀看有關內容前檢查其身份及/或年齡,並確保未成年人士一概不會使用您的服務賬戶及相關密碼進入該內容;

4.1.9.      部分服務及內容或由第三方供應商而非我們提供或供應;在此情況下,您與任何第三方供應商的通訊或交易僅涉及您與有關第三方,且您同意我們不會就因有關交易而導致任何形式的損失或損害承擔或負上責任;

4.1.10.    除另有明文規定外,任何增強或提升服務的新元素均受此服務條款及條件約束;

4.1.11.    我們可隨時以任何方式或透過任何媒介,於您使用的任何電腦設置安裝軟件,以監測從服務下載、複製、儲存、擷取歌曲、分發、分享或重新定向任何內容的行為;及

4.1.12.    服務的提供取決於我們就服務所分配的服務流量(包括但不限於串流流量),以及您互聯網連線的可靠及穩定性,而這並非我們所能控制。我們概不就未能或延遲進入服務或其任何部分(不論是由於串流流量不足或其他因素所致),及/或服務可能對您的互聯網連線、其速度及/或頻寬所造成的結果或影響而向您或任何其他第三方(包括服務的用戶而不論是否經授權)承擔責任。

4.1.13.    「音樂自療」音樂庫(以下簡稱「音樂庫」)內所載或提供的內容僅供參考及為個人興趣而提供,並不旨於提供任何醫學資訊、建議或治療。我們並非推薦或支持載於音樂庫中的任何人士、程序、意見、指示、產品或其他一切資訊。就音樂庫中的任何內容對某特定用途的適用性而言,我們不作任何陳述或保證。如您需要任何醫學建議,請向您的醫生或其他相關專業人士或醫護人員查詢。音樂庫內所載或提供的內容為音樂治療師提供的內容。

4.1.14.    全亞洲首個音樂自療內容只適用於音樂治療師提供的廣東話聲音指導內容,比較截至2016624日已在亞洲提供付費服務的主要數碼串流音樂服務平台。以上所包含的資料可能不完整,有關上述產品之所有功能、特點、規格及其他產品資訊,請參閱有關產品官方網頁以及產品說明的具體資料為準。

4.1.15.    本數碼音樂平台提供的內容並不是音樂治療,音樂治療是由有註冊音樂治療師以音樂作為工具根據臨床和實證過的音樂療程為個案設定客製化的目標並協助個案達成目標。

4.1.16.    「跑動音樂」僅為個人興趣而提供,並不旨於提供任何健康或體能建議或訓練。「跑動音樂」內的數據、指標、計算、或其他一切資訊是基於特定的假設而提供並僅供參考。就「跑動音樂」對某特定用途的適用性、資訊的準確性或使您能達到特定成果或效果而言,我們不作任何陳述或保證。您明白您使用「跑動音樂」是您個人決定並須自行承擔風險。如您身體感到不適,您不應使用或應停止使用「跑動音樂」。如您需要任何健康或體能建議或訓練,請向您的健身教練或其他相關專業人士查詢。



5.            軟件許可

5.1.         您會被不時要求從服務下載軟件、應用程式及/或程式(「軟件」),我們謹此授予您非獨家且不可轉讓的特許權,以按照此服務條款及條件和軟件隨附的任何軟件許可在您的電腦儲存、運行及使用軟件(而不包括進一步或其他許可)。

5.2.         您同意在您使用服務的個人電腦中下載及安裝軟件,該等程序及應用程式乃我們就保安及/或進入服務為目的而指定的。

5.3.         您確認倘您未能成功下載並安裝軟件,我們可拒絕向您提供服務。



6.            連結及廣告

6.1.         我們對於服務連結至任何第三方網站並無控制權,亦不就服務連結至的任何站外網頁或任何其他第三方網站(包括但不限於透過廣告連結的網站)的內容或準確性負責。出現在服務上的某些連結為自動產生,可能冒犯或不適合某些人士。包含任何連結並不表示我們認可所連結的網站,您須自行承擔使用該等連結的風險。您與服務網站的廣告商通訊或交易,或參與其推廣活動,僅涉及您與有關廣告商。我們不會就因任何有關交易或因服務所顯示的連結及廣告而導致任何形式的損失或損害承擔或負上責任。

6.2.         我們使用第三方廣告公司(例如Doubleclick)追蹤及/或衡量服務網站及其他網站的廣告效益。該等公司可使用有關您造訪服務網站及其他網站的資料(不包括您的姓名、地址、電郵地址或電話號碼),以衡量廣告效益及提供您感興趣的貨品及服務廣告。


7.            兌換優惠券

7.1.         倘您獲得我們發出或接納的優惠券(「贈券」)而可免費換取或按折扣獲取任何服務(「優惠」),則您須於贈券所列到期日或之前或我們通知的有關期限內(以較早日期為準)兌換贈券。任何於上述期限結束後仍未兌換的贈券將自動作廢,恕不另行通知。

7.2.         除贈券上所載的條件外,所有贈券均受以下條件約束:

7.2.1.      贈券不可兌換為現金或任何其他貨品或服務;

7.2.2.      贈券不可轉讓,且不得與任何第三方以現金或其他形式交換;

7.2.3.      我們可隨時基於以下任何原因使贈券失效,而無須通知您:

(i)            欺詐(實際或懷疑);

(ii)           不當使用;

(iii)          違反贈券的任何相關條款及條件;

(iv)          此服務條款及條件根據第13條終止;及

(v)           為保障我們利益的任何其他合理原因。

7.2.4       對於兌換贈券的所有相關事宜,我們擁有全權決定權,且我們的決定為最終及不可推翻。

7.3          倘第7.2條所列任何條件與贈券所印者有所抵觸,概以前者為準。

7.4          為免存疑,您使用任何優惠均須受此服務條款及條件規限。兌換贈券即表示您同意受此服務條款及條件約束。


8.            其他平台

8.1.         如果我們在任何其他平台提供服務予您,您同意遵守我們可能不時施加的有關條款及條件。我們有絕對的酌情權決定在該等其他平台停止提供服務;

8.2.         目前,您亦可在流動應用程式取用服務。除此服務條款及條件外,以下所述將適用於您使用該流動應用程式;

8.2.1.      您可下載應用程式,並通過一個兼容的設備進入服務;

8.2.2.      此服務條款及條件所提到的「服務網站」乃指應用程式而「電腦」乃指兼容設備。


9.            有限制下載之附加條款

9.1.         我們可能有某些內容可供您下載、複制及儲存到您服務賬戶內所登記的設備(「有限制下載」)作您根據此服務條款及條件個人私人及非商業用途。

9.2.         有限制下載到任何登記設備只能在(i)您已支付該月份之服務費用及(ii)您必須定時登入服務方能使用。

9.3.         您必須承擔任何關於有限制下載的損失風險包括任何電腦或硬磁盤損毁的損失。

9.4.         我們會不時限制服務賬戶內登記的設備數量。

9.5.         您無權以任何其他途徑向任何其他方提供有限制下載。

9.6.         為免存疑,除了本段所述之改變外,此服務條款及條件之所有其他條款均適用於所有有限制下載。


10.          可下載內容的附加條款(除有限制下載外)       

10.1.       我們可能有某些內容(即錄音,錄像及相關數字內容(「可下載內容」)可供您購買或換購而您可根據此服務條款及條件下載、複制及儲存此內容到您的個人電腦作您本人私人及非商業用途。除非在服務網頁或贈劵換購另有規定外,您必須在購買或換購日期後十四天內(「下載期」)下載可下載的內容。當下載期屆滿後,您購買或換購的可下載內容將自動失效而您不會享有任何退款或換貨。

10.2.       所有通過服務進行的可下載內容交易是最終的,我們並不接受任何退貨。在所有情況下,您承擔所有您已下載的可下載內容的損失風險,包括任何電腦或硬磁盤損毁的風險。如因任何原因您購買或換購的可下載內容在下載期的交付被延遲或阻止,您唯一在可下載內容不能成功交付下的補救方法是在我們的酌情權下重載或退還為該可下載內容的已支付費用。

10.3.       您無權從服務中所取得的可下載內容以任何途徑向任何其他方提供。

10.4.       為免存疑,除了此段所述改變外,在此服務條款及條件的所有其他條款均適用於所有可下載內容。


11.          用戶原創內容的額外條款

11.1.       服務網站及/或服務可能包含服務網站及/或服務的用戶(包括您)創作、上載、張貼、分享、電郵或其他透過電子化傳送(將相應地詮釋為被「張貼」,及會「張貼」)的內容(「用戶內容」)。

11.2.       您不得於服務網站或服務上張貼、或容許透過你的服務帳戶張貼,任何以下內容:

11.2.1.    您無權張貼的;

11.2.2.    譭謗性或永久形式誹謗性的或藐視任何法律或其他訴訟的;

11.2.3.    誤導性或欺騙性的;

11.2.4.    針對任何一組以膚色、種族、性別、出身地、國籍或人種或民族定義的群體煽動仇恨或歧視的;

11.2.5.    譴責宗教或政治信仰的;

11.2.6.    包括冒犯性或可能構成冒犯性的宗教或政治材料的;

11.2.7.    不雅、淫褻、粗俗、色情、冒犯性或可能無禮的;

11.2.8.    具恐嚇或邪惡性質的;

11.2.9.    可能造成煩擾、不便或焦慮的;

11.2.10.    可能鼓勵犯罪、擾亂公共秩序、暴力或仇恨的;

11.2.11.    可能危害公眾健康、安全或道德的;

11.2.12.    侵犯其他人士的任何版權、商標、專利或其他知識產權的(無論您是否知曉該等權利);

11.2.13.    包含任何未經請求或未經授權的廣告或宣傳材料的;

11.2.14.    包含任何旨在干擾、摧毀或限制任何電腦軟件或硬件功能的病毒或類似軟件或數據的;

11.2.15.    冒充任何人士或歪曲您與任何人士的關係的;或

11.2.16.    違反任何適用法例、規例、行為守則、指引,或是在其他方面未能遵守任何政府部門或監管機關或法院的要求或命令的。

11.3.       我們並無主動地對用戶內容(包括任何由您或透過您的服務帳戶創作的內容)進行監控或編輯管制。但是,我們保留權利:

11.3.1.    進入或檢查任何用戶內容;

11.3.2.    在我們酌情決定及不需要預先通知的情況下,移動、封阻、暫停、移除或禁止進入我們單方面認為違反任何法律、規例、行為守則、指引或此服務條款及條件,或因其他原因不能接受、不適宜或不適當的用戶內容;及

11.3.3.    就任何與用戶內容相關或由其而引發的爭議進行索償或要求、或就其採取行動或法律程序。

11.4.       您確認我們可根據任何適用指引,例如有關儲存時限或賦予您或任何有關用戶的最大儲存空間的指引,移除您或透過您的服務帳戶張貼的內容、或任何其他用戶内容。

11.5.       關於您或透過您的服務帳戶所張貼的任何內容,您特此放棄對該內容或材料可能持有的任何知識產權,並承認我們有權在全球範圍內就該等內容或材料(無論全部或部分)進行以下行爲:使用、複製、修改、改編、出版、翻譯、再授權、利用其創作衍生作品、將其加入其他作品内(無論是否以電子方式)、分發、表演及展示。在任何該等知識產權未能被放棄或因任何原因仍由您擁有的範圍内,您特此授予我們一項永久性、不可撤銷、免版稅的許可,允許我們在全球範圍內就該等內容或材料(無論全部或部分)進行以下行爲:使用、複製、修改、改編、出版、翻譯、再授權、利用其創作衍生作品、將其加入其他作品内(無論是否以電子方式)、分發、表演及展示。

11.6.       儘管我們會致力保存用戶內容,但我們並不承諾就任何用戶內容提供支援或維護服務。我們促請您就您張貼在服務網站及/或服務的內容或用戶内容、或在服務網站及/或服務的維持及使用的内容或用戶内容備份。

11.7.       當您的註冊或服務帳戶被取消、暫停或降級後,您可能無法再進入您在服務網站及/或服務張貼、或在服務網站及/或服務或透過其保存或收藏的內容或用戶內容,我們亦可能會刪除這些材料。


12.          彌償

12.1.       您同意就我們因以下原因而引致或與以下原因相關的任何訴訟、責任、費用、索償、損失、損害、起訴,及/或開支向我們作出彌償:

12.1.1.    您使用或進入服務、內容(包括任何用戶内容)或軟件;

12.1.2.    任何由您或透過您的服務帳戶張貼的内容;及

12.1.3.    您違反或不遵守此服務條款及條件之任何條款。


13.          一般保證和責任

13.1.       在法律允許的最大範圍內,我們對下列事項不作任何明示或暗示的聲明或保證:服務、軟件及/或任何有關內容之所有擁有權、對某特定用途的適用性、可銷售性、準確性及質量標準;服務不會出現中斷或發生錯誤;任何保持資料保密的責任(雖然我們現行的守則也維持該等資料保密原則);以及使用服務任何部分及/或任何內容所得的結果,除非此服務條款及條件有特別指明。我們對下列事項不作任何聲明或保證:服務會滿足您的需求及/或進入及使用服務不會出現中斷或發生錯誤、沒有病毒、惡意程式碼或其他有害元件或服務為安全。

13.2.       當所提供的服務為免費時,您同意我們與服務相關的責任無論如何不得超過港幣100元。

13.3.       我們明確表示,概不就下列事項承擔任何責任:

13.3.1.    您因使用服務、軟件及/或任何內容而導致任何數據損壞或丟失;

13.3.2.    根據合約法、侵權法或其他理由,或因任何收益損失(無論直接或間接)、利潤損失或任何相應性的損失,不論是否屬於經濟性質而提出的索償;

13.3.3.    與任何服務或任何透過服務所供應、提供、銷售或供取用(或不能或延遲供應、提供、銷售或供取用)的內容相關的索償;

13.3.4.    您因進入及使用服務或內容而引起,不論直接或間接的任何損傷、染病、疾病發作或失去知覺;

13.3.5.    任何因在我們合理控制以外的事情或情況下引起的服務或其任何部分的中斷或暫停;及

13.3.6.    任何因您使用服務、軟件、任何內容而導致侵犯知識產權。


14.          終止服務

14.1.       我們可在以下情況下終止任何部份或全部服務(i)於任何時間給予您最少一個公曆月的通知,或(ii)於您有任何可疑或實際違反此服務條款及條件的任何條款或我們不再有權提供服務時通知您即時終止。

14.2.       倘您就某一特定服務的進入是連繫著您訂購網上行寬頻或now寬頻電視,當您不再是網上行寬頻或now寬頻電視的客戶時,則我們有權終止您進入服務或其他所有服務。


15.          終止服務的結果

15.1.       在終止服務日,所有根據此服務條款及條件授予您的特許權、權利及優惠將予以終止。任何服務的終止慨不影響雙方任何累算的權利或責任,亦不影響任何此服務條款及條件即將或繼續施行的條文,該條文已明示或不言明地在意是在服務終止時或終止後產生效用或繼續有效。


16.          未經授權存取

16.1.       未經授權進入服務乃違反此服務條款及條件和法例。您同意除了透過服務賬戶及相關密碼,不會使用任何登入途徑進入該部份的服務。您同意不會使用任何自動化方法(包括但不限於代理、機械人、程式編碼或蜘蛛程式)進入、監控或複製服務、內容或服務網站的任何部分,但不包括我們事先書面許可的自動化方法。


17.          一般條款

17.1.       我們可隨時委任代理、轉讓或分包任何全部或部分我們在此協議的權利及/或法律責任予任何人士或實體。未經我們事先書面許可,您不得轉讓、轉移、傳遞或以其他方式處置您根據此協議的任何權利、責任及/或法律責任予任何人士或實體。此服務條款及條件應以英文本為準,中文本(如有)只作參考用途。若此協議的條款或條件因任何理由變成或宣佈為不合法、無效或不能執行,則有關條款或條件應從此協議中分割出來,並視之為從此協議中被刪除。此協議須受香港法律管轄,雙方謹此同意接受香港法院非專屬的司法管轄。

17.2.       據此向我們發出的所有通知及其它通訊均須為書面形式。上述通知及通訊倘於我們正常辦公時間內由專人送達,則於交付後即視為已正式發出;倘於我們正常辦公時間內透過傳真傳送至有關傳真號碼(並確認收訖),則於發送後即視為已正式發出;倘透過郵資已付的掛號信郵寄至我們不時指定的我們註冊辦事處,則於寄發後第三個營業日即視為已正式發出。

17.3.       我們據此向您發出的所有通知及其它通訊會以我們認為適當的形式及方式發送給您。上述通知及通訊倘透過電子郵件或傳真傳送,則於發送後即視為已正式發出;倘於www.moov.hk或服務網站的客戶服務欄刊載,則於刊載當日即視為已正式發出;倘透過郵遞寄往您最近通知我們的地址,則於寄發後第三個營業日即視為已正式發出。



版本: 2017/06_001



MOOV Terms and Conditions

Important Notice:

These terms and conditions are important. Please read them carefully as they deal with issues such as your commitments to us and our commitments to you relating to MOOV (“Service” or “Services” as the context requires). “Service Website” refers to each and all service websites for the Service. “Content” means any content made available or appearing in the Service and/or on the Service Website including but not limited to any still picture, voice, series of moving images, whether animated or otherwise, music video, music, lyrics, song clips, audio and video recordings, text, articles, editorial works, data, information and/or other material or goods that may be accessed through or on the Service. “We” and “us” mean MOOV (HONG KONG) LIMITED.



Some Service(s) may only be accessible upon payment of a fee (whether to us or any third parties).  If you have applied for such Services, the following terms and conditions (“Pay Service Terms and Conditions”) will apply to you in addition to the Service Terms and Conditions which term is hereinafter defined:

1.           Age and Application

1.1         You have to be aged 18 or above.

1.2         If you submit your application other than by means of paper application, you agree to, at our request, sign a hard copy of these Pay Service Terms and Conditions.


2.            Commitment Plan

2.1         Subscription to any commitment plan for the Service will be for such period as specified in your application (“Initial Period”).  If you terminate your subscription prior to the expiry of the Initial Period, you shall pay us or the authorized third parties all accrued fees and an early termination charge equivalent to the total charges payable for the subscription from the date of termination to the expiry of the Initial Period. 

2.2         Unless you terminate the Service through online management at the Service Website or through the service hotline on 1833866 / 1000 or through the authorized third parties (if applicable), upon expiry of the Initial Period, your subscription to the Service will be automatically renewed on a month-to-month basis at the prevailing rate. 


3.           Monthly Plan

3.1         Subscription to any monthly plan will be automatically extended on a month-to-month basis unless you terminate the Service through online account management at the Service Website or through the service hotline at 1833866/ 1000 at least one day prior to the last day of the monthly cycle or through the authorized third parties (if applicable) prior to the designated time.

3.2         No refund will be made for any service fees paid in advance for the Service prior to its termination.


4.           Pay As You Go

4.1         For Service where a fee is payable on a per transaction basis, we will invoice you for all fees which relate to your use of the Service at such intervals as we determine appropriate.  Fees may include but are not limited to usage fees, handling fees and any other relevant fees and charges from time to time which relate to your use of the Service. 


5.           Fees

5.1         Fees will be calculated by reference to data recorded or logged by us or our affiliates and not by reference to any data recorded or logged by you.  Records held and logging procedures adopted by us will be conclusive evidence of the usage of the Service, the fees payable by you (whether to us or any third parties). 

5.2         Unless otherwise specified, all subscription fees are payable monthly in advance and usage fees will be payable in arrears. 

5.3         We may from time to time offer discount to subscription fees payable by you.  In relation to such discount, we may impose certain terms and conditions.  If at any time you fail to satisfy any of these terms and conditions, the discount will be automatically forfeited; and in such a case, you will be automatically charged at the then prevailing price in the next billing period.

5.4                   Unless otherwise specified, all currency references are in Hong Kong dollars.


6.           Payment

6.1         You may settle any fees payable by you through any payment method as may be made available by us (or the authorized third parties) from time to time.  Any fees which are recurrent in nature (i.e. subscription fees) will be automatically charged through such payment method as selected by you.

6.2         We have the right to, at any time and at our sole discretion, accept or reject the payment method selected by you.  If no effective payment method is in place, your access to the Service may be suspended; such access will only be restored upon full settlement of all accrued charges and putting in place a payment method accepted by us (or the authorized third parties).

6.3         Where you have specified any part or all of the fees to be billed through our affiliates or agents, our affiliates or agents may invoice you for such fees in the same invoice for the services provided by such affiliates or agents (collectively, “Affiliate Invoice”).  You agree to settle the Affiliate Invoice in full before the payment due date specified in the Affiliate Invoice.

6.4         Where you have specified any part or all of the fees to be charged to your credit card (“Card Account”), you hereby authorize us to charge your Card Account the full amount of such Fees at any time or interval as determined by us as appropriate. For the avoidance of doubt, such authorisation will continue after the expiry date of such card in respect of any Fees which are recurrent in nature (i.e. subscription fees). Where you are not the cardholder, you warrant that you have obtained authorisation from the cardholder. We will charge your credit limit by HK$1 to verify your Card Account. This charge will not be billed. The verification and authentication of the Card Account information provided are handled by the issuing bank. We will not be responsible for any matters arising therefrom.

6.5         Credit card means VISA or MasterCard.

6.6         Any disputes regarding fees on a statement for the Card Account must be raised within 30 days of the statement date notwithstanding, where relevant, any terms to the contrary in any cardholder agreement with the bank.

6.7         Any dispute regarding fees on an Affiliate Invoice must be raised within 30 days of the Affiliate Invoice date notwithstanding, where relevant, any terms to the contrary in any agreement with the affiliate.

6.8         If you have not settled any Affiliate Invoice by the due date, we or our affiliates or agents reserve the right to charge interest on any outstanding amount at such rate applicable to the payment means specified by you until the invoice has been paid in full; and to charge a handling fee, collection agency fee, reconnection fee and/or require a security deposit.  The Service and any service that may be provided by our affiliates or agents may be suspended or terminated until such time when all Affiliate Invoices have been fully settled and paid.

6.9         You agree that we may transfer any amount that is owing to you or due from you under any of your accounts, if you have more than one account with us, so as to settle any outstanding amount due to us under any of your accounts, whether they have been terminated or suspended.

6.10       Please note that no credit or refund is available in respect of any time when the Service or any part thereof is disrupted or suspended (i) for maintenance or (ii) as a result of technical difficulties or (iii) a circumstance beyond our reasonable control or where you are not able to access or stream the Content for whatever reason. 


7.           Service Account

7.1         You may only access the Service in Hong Kong and by using a login ID as accepted by us (“Service Account”) and related password. You:

7.1.1      will safeguard your Service Account and related password and ensure that they are not disclosed or provided to any other person;

7.1.2      will not disclose your Service Account and related password or permit  other persons to use your Service Account and related password(s) to access the Service;

7.1.3      there may be some Content on the Service which is not suitable for viewing by minors.  You are responsible for checking the identity and/or age of any person who wishes or intends to view any such Content before you permit that person to view such Content with you and for generally ensuring that minors do not access such Content using your Service Account and related password(s);

7.1.4      agree that we will treat any access to the Service by means of the Service Account as access and use by you; and

7.1.5      without prejudice to Clause 7.1.4, immediately report to us any unauthorized use of the service Account.


8.           Personal Data and Information 

8.1         We collect, process, disclose, retain or use your Personal Data in accordance with the Privacy Policy Statement which can be found at www.pccw.com/legal/privacy.html. If we request Personal Data from you, you may refuse to provide the Personal Data. However, we may decline to provide the Service to you.

8.2         When we request information about yourself as required to process your application or access of the Service (“User Data”), you agree to:          

8.2.1      provide true, accurate, current and complete User Data;

8.2.2      maintain and promptly update the User Data you have submitted to us     and keep it true, accurate, current and complete; and

8.2.3      not to provide us with any information that is untrue, inaccurate, not  current or incomplete, and if we have reasonable grounds to suspect that such  information is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, we have the right to  suspend or terminate your Service Account and refuse any and all current or future use of the Service. 

8.3         If you connect your Service Account with your Facebook account, you authorize us to collect your Facebook authentication information, including your last name, first name, e-mail address, gender and list of all of the pages you have liked. We collect your full name for the purposes of providing services that you have applied for or are currently using and any related services. We collect your gender and the pages you have ‘liked’ for the purposes of providing, personalizing, and improving your experience with our services and products. For instance, we provide customized selection of songs to you by reference to your gender and age.

8.4         If you connect your Service Account with your Facebook account, the default setting is generally that the Service Account automatically shares your activity and activity-related stories with Facebook, including the music you listen to. You understand and agree that such information may be attributed to your account on Facebook and may be published on Facebook.


9.            Effect of your termination of your subscription

9.1         Under no circumstances will you be entitled to a refund of any fees interest on any security deposit or any pro rata prepayment of any monthly subscription fee upon your termination of your subscription.

9.2         Upon the termination of your subscription, all licences, rights and privileges granted to you shall cease.  Termination of your subscription shall not affect any accrued rights or liabilities of either party nor shall it affect the coming into force or the continuance in force of any provision contained in these Pay Service Terms and Conditions which is expressly or by implication intended to come into or continue in force on or after such termination.


10.         Termination of the Service

10.1       We may terminate the Service (i) at any time on the giving of at least one calendar month notice to you or (ii) immediately by notice to you if we cease to have the right to provide the Service. In the case of (ii), we will refund to you a pro-rata part of advance payment of any fees you paid for the Service.

10.2       If your access to a particular Service is associated with your subscription to any other PCCW services, such as Netvigator Broadband, now TV, csl, fixed-line services, we shall be entitled to terminate your access to the Service if you cease to be a subscriber to these other PCCW services.

10.3       Upon the date of termination of the Service, all licences, rights and privileges shall cease.  Any termination of the Service shall not affect any accrued rights or liabilities of either party nor shall it affect the coming into force or the continuance in force of any provision contained in these Pay Service Terms and Conditions which is expressly or by implication intended to come into or continue in force on or after such termination.


11.         Limitation of liability

11.1       You agree that our liability in connection with the Service shall in any event not exceed the total fees paid by you to us for the immediately preceding twelve months prior to any incident giving rise to a claim or one thousand Hong Kong dollars (HK$1,000) whichever lower.


12.         Indemnity

12.1       You agree to indemnify us against any action, liability, cost, claim, loss, damage, proceeding, and/or expense suffered or incurred by us arising from or which is related to any breach or non-observance of any term of these Pay Service Terms and Conditions.


13.         General

13.1       We may appoint agents, assign or sub-contract the whole or any part of our rights and/or obligations contained in these Pay Service Terms and Conditions to any person or entity at any time.  You shall not assign, transfer, convey or otherwise dispose of any of your rights, obligations and/or liabilities under these Pay Service Terms and Conditions to any person or entity without our prior written consent. The English version of these Pay Service Terms and Conditions shall prevail over any Chinese version (if any) which is provided for information purposes only. If any term or condition of these Pay Service Terms and Conditions becomes or is declared illegal, invalid or unenforceable for any reason, such term or condition shall be divisible from these Pay Service Terms and Conditions and shall be deemed to be deleted from these Pay Service Terms and Conditions. These Pay Service Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of Hong Kong and the parties hereby submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong.

13.2       All notices and other communications hereunder to us shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given when delivered, if delivered by messenger during our normal business hours; when sent, if transmitted by facsimile transmission (receipt confirmed) during our normal business hours to such facsimile number, or on the third business day following mailing, if mailed by certified or registered mail, postage prepaid to our registered office as shall be specified by us from time to time.

13.3       All notices and other communications hereunder which we give to you will be in such form and manner as we deem appropriate and shall be deemed to have been duly given when sent, if transmitted by electronic mail, mobile short message (SMS) or facsimile transmission; on the day of posting, if posted on http://moov.hk or the customer service section of the Service Website; on the third business day following mailing, if mailed to your address last notified to us.



Use of the Service will be subject to the following terms and conditions (“Service Terms and Conditions”).  By using the Service, you will be treated as having accepted and agreed to be bound by these Service Terms and Conditions.

1            Our rights and responsibilities

1.1         Some parts of the Service may only be accessible (i) by you using a login ID as accepted by us (“Service Account”) and related password and/or (ii) in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (“Hong Kong”) only; in these cases you may be required to pay a fee for such access. Any application for the Service (if required) is subject to acceptance by us.

1.2         We may:

1.2.1      deactivate the Service at any time without notice to carry out system maintenance, upgrading, testing and/or repairs;

1.2.2      limit or suspend your access to the Service without notice where we are of the opinion that such action is appropriate as a result of your use of the Service or where you breach any term of these Service Terms and Conditions;

1.2.3      expand, reduce and/or modify any part of the Service or any Content; and

1.2.4      introduce fees and/or amend these Service Terms and Conditions, and/or amend any operating and/or usage rules which govern your use of the Service or the Content by posting the details of such amendments on http://moov.hk such amendments to take effect immediately upon such posting being made.


2.           Your responsibilities

2.1         You:

2.1.1      have to be aged 18 or above (unless otherwise expressly waived by us under any offer/service plan);

2.1.2      are only authorized to use the Service, the Content for your own personal and non-commercial use in accordance with these Service Terms and Conditions;

2.1.3      will be strictly and solely responsible for your own use of the Service and the Content and any use of the Service by any party who uses the Service by using your Service Account will be treated by us as use by you;

2.1.4      must not, and must not permit any other person, to sell, reproduce, copy, distribute, publish, modify, prepare derivative works based on or display the Content or cause the Content to otherwise be displayed in public without our prior written consent;

2.1.5      will abide by all relevant laws of the Hong Kong and any operating and/or usage rules, as amended from time to time;

2.1.6      will provide true, accurate, current and complete information about yourself as required to use of the Service (“User Data”);

2.1.7      will agree to maintain and promptly update the User Data you have submitted to us and keep it true, accurate, current and complete;

2.1.8      will not provide any information that is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, and if we have reasonable grounds to suspect that such information is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, we have the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse any and all current or future use of the Service; 

2.1.9      will upon our request, sign a hard copy of these Service Terms and Conditions;

2.1.10    will report any violation of these Service Terms and Conditions to our customer service team;

2.1.11    safeguard your Service Account and related password and ensure that they are not disclosed or provided to any other person; and

2.1.12    access the Service from only one computer or mobile device at any time.

2.2         You agree not to:

2.2.1      restrict or inhibit any other persons from using the Service, including, without limitation, by means of “hacking” or defacing any portion of the Service or the Service Website;

2.2.2      use the Service, the Service Website, the Content or the Software (as defined in Clause 5.1) for any unlawful purpose or any purpose not expressly authorized by these Service Terms and Conditions;

2.2.3      assign, transfer or sub-license all or any part of the Service Website, the Content or the Software;

2.2.4      modify, adapt, sub-license, translate, sell, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble any portion of the Service Website, any of the Software, any Content consisting of downloadable software;

2.2.5      remove any copyright, trademark, or other proprietary rights notices contained in the Service or the Content;

2.2.6      copy and/or frame any part of the Service or the Content without our prior written authorization;

2.2.7      use any robot, spider, site search/retrieval application, or other manual or automatic device or process to retrieve, index, “data mine,” or in any way reproduce, disrupt or circumvent the navigational structure or presentation of the Service or the Content;

2.2.8      collect information of user of the Service;

2.2.9      hack, break into, or attempt to hack or break into, in any manner the Service, the Content, and/or any data areas on our server(s) or that of any third parties;

2.2.10    access or use the Service or the Content for any purpose not expressly authorized under these Service Terms and Conditions;

2.2.11    download, copy, store, song rip, distribute, share or re-direct any Content from the Service in any way or through any media;

2.2.12    disclose your Service Account and related password or permit  other persons to use your Service Account and related password(s) to access the Service;

2.2.13    incorporate any software or other materials that contain any virus, worm, time bomb, Trojan horse, or other harmful or disruptive component;

2.2.14    forge headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any contents transmitted through the Service; and

2.2.15    interfere with or disrupt the Service or servers or networks connected to the Service.  


3.           Personal Data and Information

3.1         We collect, process, disclose, retain or use your Personal Data in accordance with the Privacy Policy Statement which can be found at www.pccw.com/legal/privacy.html. If we request Personal Data from you, you may refuse to provide the Personal Data. However, we may decline to provide the Service to you.

3.2         If you connect your Service Account with your Facebook account, you authorize us to collect your Facebook authentication information, including your last name, first name, e-mail address, gender and list of all of the pages you have liked. We collect your full name for the purposes of providing services that you have applied for or are currently using and any related services. We collect your gender and the pages you have ‘liked’ for the purposes of providing, personalizing, and improving your experience with our services and products. For instance, we provide customized selection of songs to you by reference to your gender and age.

3.3         If you connect your Service Account with your Facebook account, the default setting is generally that the Service Account automatically shares your activity and activity-related stories with Facebook, including the music you listen to. You understand and agree that such information may be attributed to your account on Facebook and may be published on Facebook.


4.           Acknowledgements

4.1         You acknowledge that:

4.1.1      at all times only one video or sound track may be streamed through the Service;

4.1.2      we do not exercise any editorial control over and do not make any claims as to the truth of the statements and articles written by our guests in the Service;

4.1.3      we do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any Content and are not responsible for the Content;

4.1.4      any Content solely expresses the view of the author of the Content, not our views or any entity associated with us;

4.1.5      we disclaim all liability for any of the Content posted on the Service;

4.1.6      your use of different web pages of Service Website or web sites linked to the Service may be governed by additional or different terms and conditions.  Where this is the case, those additional terms and conditions will apply to your use of such web page or website in addition to these Service Terms and Conditions and will prevail over these Service Terms and Conditions to the extent of any inconsistency;

4.1.7      nothing you do on or in relation to the Service or the Content will transfer any intellectual property rights to you or license you to exercise any intellectual property rights unless this is expressly stated;

4.1.8      there may be some Content on the Service which is not suitable for viewing by minors.  You are responsible for checking the identity and/or age of any person who wishes or intends to view any such Content before you permit that person to view such Content and for generally ensuring that minors do not access such Content using your Service Account and related password(s);

4.1.9      parts of the Service and the Content may be provided or maintained by third party providers and not by us; in such cases, your correspondence or dealings with any third party provider are solely between you and that third party provider, and you agree that we will not be liable or responsible for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as the result of such dealings;

4.1.10    unless explicitly stated otherwise, any new features that augment or enhance the Service shall be subject to these Service Terms and Conditions;

4.1.11    we may at any time employ and/or install Software in any computer used by you, for purposes of detecting any downloading, copying, storing, song ripping, distribution, sharing or re-direction of any Content from the Service in any way or through any media; and

4.1.12   the provision of the Service is contingent upon the service (including but not limited to streaming capacity) capacity allocated by us for the Service and the reliability and stability of your internet connection which is out of our control. We will not be liable to you or any other third parties including users of the Service (whether authorized or not) for any failure or delay in accessing the Service or any part thereof (whether due to the lack of streaming capacity or otherwise) and/or the consequences or effects on your internet connection, its speed and/or bandwidth that may be caused by the Service.

4.1.13   The materials contained and provided in this Therapeutic Music Library (the “Library”) are for your general information and interest only and are not intended to provide you with any medical information, advice or treatment. We do not recommend or endorse any person, procedure, opinion, instruction, product or any other information contained in the Library. No representation or guarantee as to the fitness for purpose is made in relation to any materials contained in this Library. For any medical advice on your individual needs, please consult your doctor or any other relevant professionals or medical practitioners.

4.1.14   “The first and only "Therapeutic Music" Library in Asia” means the first therapeutic music library in Asia with induction/guidance in Cantonese provided by music therapists (by comparing the services offered by major digital music streaming service providers in Asia as of 24th June 2016)” Please visit the official websites and product information listed for more details on the functions, features and rules.

4.1.15   The materials contained and provided in this Therapeutic Music Library (the “Library”) are not music therapy. Music therapy is the clinical and evidence-based use of music intervention to achieve individualized therapeutic goals through a relationship between the client and the credentialed professional who has completed an approved music therapy program.

4.1.16   “MOOV Beat Runner” is for your interest only and is not intended to provide you with any health or physical fitness advice or training. The data, indicators, calculations, or any other information provided in “MOOV Beat Runner” are based on certain assumptions and are for your reference only. No representation or guarantee as to the fitness for purpose, accuracy of information or your achievement of certain outcome or result is made in relation to “MOOV Beat Runner”. You understand that you use “MOOV Beat Runner” at your discretion and your own risk and you should not use, or should stop using, “MOOV Beat Runner” if you do not feel well. For any health or physical fitness advice or training on your individual needs, please consult your physical fitness trainer or any other relevant professionals.


5.           Software Licence

5.1         You will from time to time be requested to download software, applications and/or programs from the Service (“Software”) and we hereby grant to you a non-exclusive and non-transferable licence for you to store, run and use the Software on your computer in accordance with these Service Terms and Conditions and any software licence which accompanies the Software but not further or otherwise.

5.2         You agree to download and install the Software in the personal computer to be used by you for accessing the Service, such programs and applications as specified by us for security purposes and/or for accessing the Service. 

5.3         You acknowledge that we may refuse to provide the Service to you in the event of your failure to successfully download and install the Software.  


6.           Links and Advertisements

6.1         We have no control over any third party web sites linked to the Service and are not responsible for the content or accuracy of any off-site pages or any other third party web sites linked to the Service (including without limitation sites linked through advertisements).  Some links which appear on the Service are automatically generated, and may be offensive or inappropriate to some people. The inclusion of any link does not imply that we endorse the linked site, and you use the links at your own risk. Your correspondence or dealings with, or participation in promotions of, advertisers on the Service Website are solely between you and such advertisers. We will not be liable or responsible for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as the result of any such dealings or as the result of the presence of links and advertisements on the Service.

6.2         We use third-party advertising companies (such as Doubleclick) to track and/or measure advertising effectiveness on the Service Website and other web sites. These companies may use information (not including your name, address, email address or telephone number) about your visits to the Service Website and other web sites in order to measure advertising effectiveness and to provide advertisements about goods and services of interests to you.


7.          Coupons redemption

7.1         If you receive any coupon issued or accepted by us (“Complimentary Coupon”) which entitles you to redeem any Service for free or at a discount (“Complimentary Service”), you must redeem the Complimentary Coupon on or before the expiry date printed on the Complimentary Coupon or within such period as notified by us, whichever is earlier.  Any Complimentary Coupon not redeemed within the said period will be invalidated automatically without notice.

7.2          In addition to any conditions that may be printed on the Complimentary Coupon, all Complimentary Coupons are subject to the following conditions:

7.2.1      Complimentary Coupons are not redeemable for cash or any other goods or services;

7.2.2      Complimentary Coupons are not transferable and may not be exchanged with any third party for money or otherwise;

7.2.3      we may at any time and without notice to you invalidate a Complimentary Coupon for any of the following reasons:

              (i)       fraud (actual or suspected);

              (ii)      misuse;

              (iii)     breach of any terms and conditions related to the Complimentary Coupon;

              (iv)     these Service Terms and Conditions is terminated pursuant to Clause 13; and

              (v)     any other cause reasonably required to protect our interests.

7.2.4      for all matters relating to the redemption of the Complimentary Coupon, we shall have sole determination, and our decision shall be final and conclusive.

7.3         Should any of the conditions listed in Clause 7.2 conflict with the conditions printed on the Complimentary Coupon, the former shall prevail.

7.4         For the avoidance of doubt, your use of any Complimentary Service is subject to these Service Terms and Conditions.  Your redemption of the Complimentary Coupon constitutes your agreement to be bound by these Service Terms and Conditions.


8.           Other platforms

8.1         If we make available to you the Service in any other platform you agree to be bound by such terms and conditions as we may impose from time to time.  We have the absolute discretion to cease to make the Service available on such other platforms as we may determine.

8.2         Currently, the Service is also made available to you as a mobile application.  In addition to these Service Terms and Conditions, the following will apply to your use of the mobile application:

8.2.1      You may download the application and access the Service through a compatible device.

8.2.2      References to “Service Website” in these Service Terms and Conditions will mean the application and “computer” will mean the compatible device.


9.           Additional Terms for Tethered Downloads

9.1         We may make available certain Content for you to download, copy and store the same to devices registered with your Service Account (“Tethered Downloads”) for your own personal, non-commercial use in accordance with these Service Terms and Conditions.

9.2         Tethered Downloads to any registered devices will only be accessible (i) for the month which you have paid for the Service and (ii) you must regularly login to the Service.

9.3         You have to bear all risk of loss related to any Tethered Downloads including any loss due to a computer or hard drive crash.

9.4         We may from time to time limit the number of devices that may be registered with a Service Account. 

9.5         You have no right to provide any Tethered Downloads to any other party or through any other means.

9.6         For the avoidance of doubt, save and except as varied by this section, all other provisions in these Service Terms and Conditions apply to all Tethered Downloads.


10.         Additional Terms for Downloadable Content (other than Tethered Downloads)

10.1       We may make available certain Content (namely, sound recordings, videos and related digital content (“Downloadable Content”)) for purchase or redemption by you such that you may download, copy and store the same to your personal computer for your own personal, non-commercial use in accordance with these Service Terms and Conditions.  Unless otherwise specified in the Service Website or the Redemption Coupon, you must download the Downloadable Content within 14 days from the date of your purchase or redemption (“Download Period”). Upon the expiry of the Download Period, the Downloadable Content purchased or redeemed by you will automatically expire and you will not be entitled to any refund or exchange.

10.2       All transactions for Downloadable Content via the Service are final and we do not accept any returns.  In all cases, you bear all risk of loss for any Downloadable Content that you have downloaded, including any loss due to a computer or hard drive crash.  If for any reason the delivery of the Downloadable Content purchased or redeemed by you is delayed or prevented within Download Period, your sole remedy with respect to the Downloadable Content that is not successfully delivered will be a reload or a refund of the price paid for such Downloadable Content, at our discretion.

10.3       You have no right to provide any Downloadable Content obtained through the Service to any other party or through any other means.

10.4       For the avoidance of doubt, save and except as varied by this section, all other provisions in these Service Terms and Conditions apply to all Downloadable Content.


11.          Additional Terms for User Generated Content

11.1       The Service Website and/or the Service may contain Content created, uploaded, posted, shared, emailed or otherwise electronically transmitted (“Posted” or “Post” as the case may be) by users of the Service Website and/or the Service, including you (“User Content”).

11.2       You must not Post, or allow to be Posted via your Service Account, any Content onto the Website or the Service that:

11.2.1    you do not have the right to Post;

11.2.2    is defamatory or libelous or in contempt of any legal or other proceedings;

11.2.3    is misleading or deceptive;

11.2.4    incites hatred or discrimination against any group of persons being a group defined by reference to colour, race, sex, origin, nationality or ethnic or national origins;

11.2.5    denounces religious or political beliefs;

11.2.6    includes religious or political material which is or is likely to be offensive;

11.2.7    is indecent, obscene, vulgar, pornographic, offensive or of doubtful propriety;

11.2.8    is of a menacing character;

11.2.9    is likely to cause annoyance, inconvenience or anxiety;

11.2.10    is likely to encourage crime, public disorder, violence or hatred;

11.2.11    is likely to damage public health, safety or morals;

11.2.12    infringes any copyright, trade mark, patent or other intellectual property right of another person, regardless of whether such rights are known to you;

11.2.13    contains any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising or promotional material;

11.2.14    contains viruses or similar software or data which is designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware;

11.2.15    impersonates any person or misrepresents your relationship with any person; or

11.2.16    contravenes any applicable law, regulation, code of conduct, guideline, or is otherwise in non-compliance with the requirements or orders of any governmental or regulatory authorities or courts.

11.3       We do not actively monitor or exercise active editorial control over User Content (including any content created by you or via your Service Account). However we reserve the right:

11.3.1    to access or examine any User Content;

11.3.2    at our discretion and without prior notification, to move, block, suspend, remove or disable access to User Content which we consider, in our sole opinion, to breach any law, regulation, code of conduct, guidelines or these Service Terms and Conditions, or to be otherwise unacceptable, undesirable or unsuitable; and

11.3.3    to make claims or demands, or take actions or legal proceedings in relation any disputes relating to any User Content.

11.4       You acknowledge that we may remove Content Posted by you or via your Service Account, or any other User Content, in accordance with any applicable guidelines, such as guidelines relating to period of storage or the maximum storage space which is allotted to you or any relevant user.

11.5       In relation to any Content Posted by you or via your Service Account, you hereby waive any intellectual property rights that you may have in such Content or materials and acknowledge that we have the right throughout the world to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, sublicense, create derivative works from, incorporate in other works (whether electronic or not), distribute, perform and display such Content or materials, whether in whole or in part. To the extent that any of such intellectual property rights cannot be waived or is, for whatever reason, still owned by you, you hereby grant us a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free license throughout the world to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, sublicense, create derivative works from, incorporate in other works (whether electronic or not), distribute, perform and display such Content or materials, whether in whole or in part.

11.6       Although we will use reasonable endeavors to maintain the User Content, we do not undertake to provide support or maintenance services for any User Content. We urge you to keep backup copies of Content or User Content you Post to, maintain or use with the Website and/or the Service.

11.7       When your registration or Service Account is cancelled, suspended, or downgraded, you may no longer have access to Content or User Content you have Posted to, or which you keep or collect on or via, the Website and/or the Service, and we may delete such material.


12.          Indemnities

12.1       You agree to indemnify us against any action, liability, cost, claim, loss, damage, proceeding, and/or expense suffered or incurred by us arising from or which is related to:

12.1.1    your use or access of the Service, the Content (including any User Content), or the Software;

12.1.2    any Content Posted by you or via your Service Account; and

12.1.3    any breach or non-observance of any term of these Service Terms and Conditions.


13.         General Warranties & Liability

13.1       To the fullest extent permitted by law, we disclaim any representation or warranty whether express or implied as to the title, fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, accuracy or standard of quality of the Service, the Software and/or any Content, that the Service will be uninterrupted or error free, any obligation to maintain the confidentiality of information (although our current practice is to maintain such confidentiality), the results to be obtained from use of any part of the Service and/or any of the Content unless otherwise specifically mentioned in these Service Terms and Conditions.  We disclaim any representation or warranty that the service will meet your requirements and/or your access to and use of the service will be uninterrupted or error-free, free of viruses, malicious code or other harmful components or otherwise secure.

13.2       Where the Service is provided free-of-charge, you agree that our liability in connection with the Service shall in any event not exceed one hundred Hong Kong dollars (HK$100).

13.3       We expressly disclaim any liability for:

13.3.1    any damage to or loss of data suffered by you arising from your use of the Service, the Software and/or any Content;

13.3.2    any claim based on contract, tort, or otherwise or any loss of revenue (whether direct or indirect), loss of profits or any consequential loss whether of an economic nature or not;

13.3.3    any claim relating to any part of the Service or any of the Content supplied, provided, sold or made available by or through the Service (or any failure or delay to so supply, provide, sell or make available);

13.3.4    any injury, disease, seizure or loss of consciousness suffered by you, arising whether directly or indirectly from accessing and using the Service or the Content; 

13.3.5    any disruption or suspension of the Service or any part thereof which is attributable to an event or circumstance beyond our reasonable control; and

13.3.6    any infringement of intellectual property rights arising from your use of the Service, the Software, any Content.


14.         Termination

14.1       We may terminate any part or all of the Services (i) at any time on the giving of at least one calendar month notice to you or (ii) immediately by notice to you if there is any suspected or actual breach by you of any term of these Service Terms and Conditions or we cease to have the right to provide the Service.

14.2       If your access to a particular Service is associated with your subscription to Netvigator Broadband or now TV service, we shall be entitled to terminate your access to the Service or all of the Services if you cease to be a subscriber to Netvigator Broadband or now TV service.


15.         Effect of Termination

15.1       Upon the date of termination of the Service, all licences, rights and privileges granted to you under these Service Terms and Conditions shall cease. Any termination of the Service shall not affect any accrued rights or liabilities of either party nor shall it affect the coming into force or the continuance in force of any provision contained in these Service Terms and Conditions which is expressly or by implication intended to come into or continue in force on or after such termination.


16.         Unauthorized access

16.1       Unauthorized access to the Service is a breach of these Service Terms and Conditions and a violation of the law.  You agree not to access such parts of the Service where login is required by any means other than through the Service Account and related password. You agree not to use any automated means, including, without limitation, agents, robots, scripts, or spiders, to access, monitor or copy any part of the Service, the Content or the Service Websites except those automated means that we have given prior written approval for.


17.         General

17.1       We may appoint agents, assign or sub-contract the whole or any part of our rights and/or obligations contained in these Service Terms and Conditions to any person or entity at any time.  You shall not assign, transfer, convey or otherwise dispose of any of your rights, obligations and/or liabilities under these Service Terms and Conditions to any person or entity without our prior written consent. The English version of these Service Terms and Conditions shall prevail over any Chinese version (if any) which is provided for information purposes only. If any term or condition of these Service Terms and Conditions becomes or is declared illegal, invalid or unenforceable for any reason, such term or condition shall be divisible from these Service Terms and Conditions and shall be deemed to be deleted from these Service Terms and Conditions. These Service Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of Hong Kong and the parties hereby submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong.

17.2       All notices and other communications hereunder to us shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given when delivered, if delivered by messenger during our normal business hours; when sent, if transmitted by facsimile transmission (receipt confirmed) during our normal business hours to such facsimile number, or on the third business day following mailing, if mailed by certified or registered mail, postage prepaid to our registered office as shall be specified by us from time to time.

17.3       All notices and other communications hereunder which we give to you will be in such form and manner as we deem appropriate and shall be deemed to have been duly given when sent, if transmitted by electronic mail, mobile short message (SMS) or facsimile transmission; on the day of posting, if posted on http://moov.hk or the customer service section of the Service Website; on the third business day following mailing, if mailed to your address last notified to us.



Version : 2017/11_001